Write one sentence about each decade of [Brison]'s life?

Vicki Prater
As a baby Brison was curious, stubborn, and into everything. During his adolescence he found humor in just about everything. Always loved to make people laugh. Being a father has shown a more side of Brison. He looks at life a little more seriously.

What are [Brison]'s greatest achievements so far?

Vicki Prater
Being committed to his family and faith.

Top 10 things you've always wanted to say to Brison

Vicki Prater
1.I love you
2.I'm proud of you
3.I will always love you, no matter what happens
4.Your a great father
5.I still love you
6.How did you become so wise
7.Do you love me, cause I still love you
8.I'm sorry for using your Cincinnati Reds pencil. I forgive you for calling me an idiot
9.I'm glad we are friends as well as mother and son
10. I have always believed in you. (P.S. I LOVE YOU - don't forget this)

Where do you see Brison's most positive mark on the world?

Vicki Prater
Again I would have to say being a husband and a father. He and Ginger have a true partnership. They value each other equally. They work together as a team raising their boys. As parents they try to teach their boys using Gods lessons and what they have learned throughout their lives as positive lessons. You can't just glide thru life. You need a plan and the drive to obtain it. This is probably the biggest mark he try's to instill in his children.

Who have been some of the most important people in Brison's life?

Vicki Prater
I would like to think that I have had some impact on his life as a mother. Nothing was more important to me then my children. My father also had importance in Brison's life. He probably did not become aware of that until he was older. Brison's stepfather, Tom was also a force in his life. Both played a father role with Brison teaching him responsibility, honesty and work ethic. With their teaching and Brisons drive for independence and developing his own way in life, Brison forged his way to becoming the man he is today.

What has been Brison's spiritual journey?

Vicki Prater
Growing up as a family we attended church, but not on a regular basis. We believed in God and tried to follow his teachings. It wasn't until after he met Ginger that he bacame closer to God. He was baptized at Christ our King Church in Bellefontaine Ohio.

What pets has Brison had? What were they like?

Vicki Prater
Growing up we had many pets in our home. But 2 particular pets come to mind when I think about Brison. Yearly DeGraff holds a fall festival . Brison won a goldfish at this event. Goldfish don't usually live long from these events. That was the case for "Fredy the goldfish." Brison called me at work crying. Fredy had died. After much consoling he decided there should be a funeral. So his sister took charge, conducted the service and then flushed dear Fredy to the sewer plant in the sky.
I hate mice,hampsters,rats,gerbils, anything that resembles mice. Brison brought home a baby hampster from school. I protested it being in my house but finally consented to him keeping it as long as it remained in his room in the cage. After a few days the hampster was missing. Could not be found. I forbid Brison from going to school until the hampster was found. I left for work and Brison and our Bassett Hound were in the process of finding the missing rodent. Brison called me at work, overjoyed that he and the dog found his pet in my clothes closet. The dog sniffed it out, put it in her mouth and delivered it to Brison. After this event the animals that came to live with us were either dogs or cats.

What are some of the kindest things Brison has done?

Vicki Prater
Brison is a kind person by nature. He will extend a helping hand to those in need. He is respectful of others. These traits are what he basis his life on. He uses these lessons in raising his son's.

What does Brison love?

Vicki Prater
Brison loves life. He loves to experience new things then introduce the experiences to his family. He Ioves to tinker with things. Also has self taught many things in regards to himself. The guitar, computer technology, car repair are just a few things he has pursued on his own. He's not afraid to jump in and tackle something.
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